Ms Milica Arsic
PhD candidate, Private International Law
University of Belgrade Faculty of Law
Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
During her undergraduate studies, Ms Milica Arsic pursued the international law stream, whereas her LLM thesis inspected the limits introduced by national entities and the international community in alternative dispute resolution.
Having obtained knowledge of the general principles of private international law, she is interested in applying these to combat challenges regarding the protection of cultural heritage. Her current scope of interest touches upon issues of both private and public international law, concentrating on the interplay between private international law and cultural heritage.
The outline of her PhD thesis is entitled “Applicability of Basic Principles of Private International Law in Preserving Cultural Heritage”, with an emphasis on revisiting the theory of vested rights, as well as the shortcomings of the utilisation of the lex origins and fraus legis.
- Raising awareness in Serbia concerning the Academic Project as well as recent activities of UNIDROIT;
- Promoting the principles of the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention and 2011 UNESCO-UNIDROIT Model Provisions, with the aim of bringing Serbia closer to becoming a party to the Convention;
- Reporting to the Centre on Serbia’s legislation and its changes regarding the private international law and the protection of cultural heritage;
- Any other way that would reinforce the importance of the main ideas behind the Convention in Serbia.