Self-educational materials on the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects are prepared by UNIDROIT Secretariat as well as Universities, scholars, professionals, and students.

The material includes comprehensive educational materials for individuals needing information about the Convention. Such material may serve as background information for general courses on the Convention.


50th Anniversary 1970 Convention, 26th June 2020

Regional Meeting on the fight against illicit trafficking of cultural property in Central America and Dominican Republic – UNESCO, 28th November 2016-2nd December 2016

The UNIDROIT 1995 Convention, an Indispensable Complement to the UNESCO 1970 Convention – Heuritgh Heritage, 18 April 2016

International Conference on the Protection of Cultural Goods “Cross-Border Movement of Cultural Goods” – 1970 UNESCO Convention – 1995 UNIDROIT Convention – European Union Law


M. Schneider – Status of the UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects – Fourth Meeting of States parties to the 1970 UNESCO Convention – UNESCO Headquarters
Paris, 15-16 May 2017

M. Schneider – Strengths and weaknesses of the Conventions and legal implications of the ratification – Gaborone, Botswana 23-26 March 2015

M. Schneider – The 1995 UNIDROIT Convention and its complementary with the 1970 UNESCO Convention –  Regional Training Workshop – Gaziantep, 19-21 November 2012

M. Schneider – Best practices on legal protection of cultural heritage – Gaziantep, 19-21 November 2012

M. Frigo – National Systems of Protection of Cultural Heritage – University of Milan