Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN)
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
- Law and Cultural Resource Management Course (BA in Archaeology);
- Cultural Heritage Course (PhD in Archaeology) Faculty of Social Sciences (UNICEN)
Research Programme PATRIMONIA – Institute INCUAPA (CONICET-UNICEN)
Research activities concerning law and cultural heritage are part of a research line developed at the Institute INCUAPA. Programme PATRIMONIA involves an interdisciplinary team of researchers (including lawyers, archaeologists, social anthropologists, communicators, etc.) who work on cultural heritage from different perspectives.
Future activities
- Capacity building and dissemination on illicit traffic of cultural property and the importance of UNIDROIT Convention;
- Raise awareness about the impact of illicit traffic of cultural heritage;
- Train police forces, judges, prosecutors and/or cultural heritage managers about the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention and the importance of its ratification and implementation;
Face-to-face or distance courses in Spanish.
Audiovisual material and reading guides preparation.
Contact person: Ms Maria-Luz Endere
Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
Gral. Pinto 399
C.P. B7000GHG
Tandil Bs. As. Argentina
Tel: (54) (0249) 442 2000