Mr Geo Magri
Research Fellow
University of Turin


He has many years of research experience in the field of cultural goods, with particular regard to the obligations to return stolen and illegally exported cultural goods.
He has been the holder of a four-year research grant on the subject of the circulation of cultural goods in private international law.
He is the author of a book on the movement of cultural property in European law and of a forthcoming book on the art market. He has also written numerous articles on cultural heritage and art law.

MAGRI G., La circolazione dei beni culturali nel diritto europeo: limiti e obblighi di restituzione, Napoli, ESI, 2011

MAGRI G., voce Beni culturali, in Digesto discipline privatistiche, sez. civ., Torino, Agg., 2011, p. 117 ff.

MAGRI G., Acquisto a non domino e beni culturali, in Riv. dir. civ., 2013, p. 741 ff.

MAGRI G., Directive 2014/60/EU and Its Effects on the European Art Market, in Santander Art and Culture Law Review 2/2016, p. 195 ff.